
Template Instructions

Get some useful step by step instructions for this Template.

how to begin with this template

If you are planning making light or hard core changes to the template, we recommend first to read the following recommendations.

1. Delete All The Properties Lisitings

This templates comes with several properties listed by default  please delete all of them.

Deleting all listings will allow you to easily edit/delete the Collections Field in this template.

2. Delete All Blog Post

If you are planning to use different Categories for the blog posts or change the Authors it is good idea to delete first all the blog posts and then edit/delete Categories or Authors.

3. Now You Can Begin With Your Changes!

Now you are ready to make any change you want to make to this template!

how to edit/delete THE STATE, CITY, neighborhood fields?

Learn how to customize or even delete these fields

1. Edit directly

You can do it directly, see the image below

2. Delete any of these fields

In case you want to delete completely this field you would need to delete first empty the Neighborhood Collection, then City and finally the State Collection.

how to change the "property status" tag

Chances are that you may want to change the color of the tag or edit the text to a different language... if this is the case you will need to change this tag manually on all the listings.

But don't be fact it is very easy to do it and once you made the changes to the tags you will only need to copy-past it on the listing collections. I'll show you how to do it, step by step.

1. Locate the Tags

2. Go to the settings Panel and delete the Condition of Visibility of the Tag

3. Click on each of the other Tags and do the same (delete its Condition of Visibility)

4. Click on the Tag and make the changes needed, like change color or text

5. Click on the Tag and go to the Settings Panel and add the Condition of Visibility

This is all you need to do! Now, I'll show you how to add the tag to a listing.

How To add a map to the listing

This instructions will help you add a Map Link in the Listing Page

1. Go to Google Maps and type your property address, hit search (not get directions).

2. Click on "Share" button.

3. On the pop up box select "Shorten Link", copy the link.

4. Open your listing page and on the Map section and hit enter.

5. Click on the embed media button and enter your Google Maps link.

6. Select the Full Width option.

7. Save your listing... and done!

customizing Collections

Follow this recommendations if you are planning changing or deleting any of the Collections found in this template

This template comes with several default Collections that helps run the template smoothly.

Is important before doing any change, to read the following list of Collection we've included in this template.


This is the Collection we use to List a Property. We used the 31 Collection Fields allowed to use in a Collection. We include all the Collection Fields we thought were important like: Descripcion, Photo Gallery, Video, Map, etc; but in case you need a different items you can change or even delete them.

To delete a Collection Filed you first need to delete, all the place where this Collection Field was used. The easiest way to make this, is deleting all the listings that comes with this template and then customize your Collection Fields. If you want to add a new Collection Field you would need first to delete a Collection Field, remember that we have used all the 31 Collections Fields allowed to use in a Collection and there is no more space for more Collection Fields :)

Default Collection FIelds for Listing Collection:

  1. Name

  2. Property Code

  3. Asking Price (Text)

  4. Asking Price (Number)

  5. Property Status

  6. Agent

  7. Type Of Property

  8. State

  9. City

  10. Neighboorhood

  11. Short Description

  12. Description

  13. Bedrooms

  14. Bathrooms

  15. Parking Spaces

  16. Square Feet

  17. Main Image

  18. Gallery Image 2

  19. Gallery Image 3

  20. Gallery Image 4

  21. Gallery Image 5

  22. Gallery Image 6

  23. Gallery Image 7

  24. Gallery Image 8

  25. Video

  26. Map

  27. Property Details 1

  28. Property Details 2

  29. Property Details 3

  30. Property Details 4

  31. Feature This Property?

Type Of Property

This Collection comes with 4 default options, if you want to remove any of these, we recommend deleting first all the places where the Collection Fields was used (an easy way to do this is to delete all the listings that comes by default on this template). If you want to add new Collection Fields you can do it without any problem :)

  1. Houses

  2. Apartments

  3. Offices

  4. Land


This Collection comes with 4 default options, if you want to remove any of these, we recommend deleting first all the places where the Collection Fields was used (an easy way to do this is to delete all the listings that comes by default on this template). If you want to add new Collection Fields you can do it without any problem :)

  1. Name

  2. State Abbreviation

  3. Background Image

  4. Short Description


This Collection comes with 4 default options, if you want to remove any of these, we recommend deleting first all the places where the Collection Fields was used (an easy way to do this is to delete all the listings that comes by default on this template). If you want to add new Collection Fields you can do it without any problem :)

  1. Name

  2. State

  3. Background Image

  4. Short Description


This Collection comes with 5 default options, if you want to remove any of these, we recommend deleting first all the places where the Collection Field was used (an easy way to do this is to delete all the listings that comes by default on this template). If you want to add new Collection Fields you can do it without any problem :)

  1. Name

  2. Background Image

  3. Short Description

  4. State

  5. City


This Collection comes with 10 default options, if you want to remove any of these, we recommend deleting first all the places where the Collection Field was used (an easy way to do this is to delete all the listings that comes by default on this template). If you want to add new Collection Fields you can do it without any problem :)

  1. Name

  2. Agents Picture

  3. Short Message

  4. Phone Number

  5. Cellphone Number

  6. Email (Link)

  7. Email (Plain Text)

  8. Facebook

  9. Twitter

  10. Linkedin

Property Statuses

This Collection comes with 5 default options, if you want to remove any of these, we recommend deleting first all the places where the Collection Field was used (an easy way to do this is to delete all the listings that comes by default on this template). If you want to add new Collection Fields you can do it without any problem :)

  1. Rented

  2. For Sell

  3. For Rent

  4. Sold

  5. Foreclosure

Blog Post

The Collection we use to add new Post to the Blog.

We recommend deleting all the Posts that comes by default in this template, before changing any of the Collection Fileds.

Default Collection FIelds for Blog Collection:

  1. Name

  2. Main Image

  3. Thumbnail Image

  4. Post Summary

  5. Post Body

  6. Color

  7. Author

  8. Category

  9. Sticky Post

  10. Featured

Post Categories

This Collection comes with 3 default options, if you want to remove any of these, we recommend deleting first all the places where the Collection Field was used (an easy way to do this is to delete all the listings that comes by default on this template). If you want to add new Collection Fields you can do it without any problem :)

  1. Name

  2. Description

  3. Category Image

how to add the "Property status" tag to a collection

Now that you have your Tags changed, I will show you how add them to a Collection Listing

1. Select the Tag Container that holds your recent Tag edited and press Control + C to copy it.

2. Delete the old Tag Containers on all the Listing you will put the new Tag Container

3. Paste your new Tag Container inside the Horizontal Image element, and that is all!

That is all! Remember, you need to this to each of the listings.

How Can I set any of the layouts as "home Page"

Set as your Home or Index page any page.

This one is very easy.

1. Go to your Pages (left menu) and hover over the page you want to set as your Home page.

2. On hover you'll see a gear icon, click on it.

3. Click on the Home icon, this will set that page as a Home page.

4. Done!

template versions

Listing all the new changes made to the template

1.2 Changes made to the gallery section. Now, you can upload any size image and a scroll bar will show up in case the image is larger than the user screen size. Also added some conditional statements to the mini arrows at the begin of the listing page.

1.1 Made some minor corrections. Hover state added to the Listing Gallery, now it shows a magnifier glass icon on hover.

template support

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